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Titanium oxidation

Often the need arises to create an object that contains different characteristics. We are frequently asked for light, sturdy design objects, which is why we make them with our titanium lost wax microcasting technique.

Titanium makes it possible to obtain not only a resistant and lightweight product, but also one that is aesthetically pleasing, thanks to oxidation.

This is a specific process that allows us to make this metal whatever colour we want, without having to use any kind of dye and without the risk of allergic reactions to colours applied on the surface.

Titanlux s.r.l. | Head Office: Via Saviabona, 143 - 36010 Cavazzale di Monticello C.O. (VI - Italia) | Logistics Office: Via Trento, 12A - 3600 Cavazzale di Monticello C.O. (VI - Italia) | Tel. 0444 297684 | Mobile: 348 8560000 | Email: | VAT 04289280242 | Codice SDI: W7YVJK9 | Registro Imprese di Vicenza n. 393492 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 10.000 | Admin | by Evisole Web Agency | Sitemap‎‎ | Privacy policy | Cookie policy