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Laser welding

A raw product that needs to be processed and finished may need high-quality laser welding. You can entrust us with this process to finish your item after lost wax microcasting.

Laser welding allows us to perform extremely high-precision operations for the most diverse industries. We can also adjust the impact of the laser to our advantage, deciding how much to penetrate the original material; either deep penetration or just on the surface. The result is therefore an object that is not only resistant, but also aesthetically pleasing.

Titanlux s.r.l. | Head Office: Via Saviabona, 143 - 36010 Cavazzale di Monticello C.O. (VI - Italia) | Logistics Office: Via Trento, 12A - 3600 Cavazzale di Monticello C.O. (VI - Italia) | Tel. 0444 297684 | Mobile: 348 8560000 | Email: | VAT 04289280242 | Codice SDI: W7YVJK9 | Registro Imprese di Vicenza n. 393492 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 10.000 | Admin | by Evisole Web Agency | Sitemap‎‎ | Privacy policy | Cookie policy